
Teaching Approach

I see teaching as a two-way street with a lot of interaction between students and instructor. Students in my classes can be expected to participate by answering questions, contributing comments, and working with other students. Throughout the class period I pose questions or problems and ask students to address them in small groups of 2-4 students. This encourages students to keep up with the class, but more importantly to think about the given topic and test their understanding. How often have said to yourself: “Hmm…I was pretty sure I was following this in class. I can’t understand why I can’t solve this problem.” The real-time problems in class are meant to test your understanding as we go along, not when you get home.

I almost always use the board for my lectures. I don’t use Power-Point or post my lectures online. It’s my “old school” habits, I suppose.

Some of my best teaching is done one-on-one during office hours. I strongly encourage students to attend office hours and chances are you’ll get personal attention.

Fall 2014 Courses

Information and content for my courses are available via the OwlSpace course management system. Only
students enrolled in my courses have access to these OwlSpace sites.

STAT 410 – Regression Analysis

STAT 450 – Statistical Design in Practice

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